Yisro – The Arafel

  B”H – A Mazal Tov to our children Yosef and Tamar Rudman on the birth of a daughter At the end of Matan Torah, we are told that Moshe Rabbeinu enters into the Arafel where Elokim “is”[1]. What is this Arafel? Further an examination of Tanach finds that this word is used in a…

B’Shalach – The Vessel of Man

This week’s Dvar Torah is לעילוי נשמת אבי מורי הרב ראובן משה בן יוסף טוביה ז”ל who was my first and primary teacher of Torah. This week’s Parsha is not only about the Shira, but the last half of the Parsha, lays the groundwork for the entire journey through the Midbar. As HaShem tells Moshe…

Bo – The Geulah of the Shecinah

The culmination of these Parshiyos, and the entire Yetzias Mitzrayim is the Pasuk[1], “And it was in the middle of this day all the Tzivos – Hosts of HaShem left the land of Mitzrayim.” This specific name of HaShem is used in the entire Tanach only over here. What is unique? The Midrashim[i] say that…

Va’Era – The Land of Goshen

The land of Goshen is the domicile of the Jewish people when they arrive in Egypt. As the Pasuk says in Vayigash[1], “Yakov sent Yehudah before him to Yosef to prepare the land of Goshen.” And through many Pesukim we see that Goshen is the main place where the Jews lived during the Galus in…

The Names of Shemos

I am B”H able to sit in my home and write this. A home is a Mikdosh M’at, where B”H throught the efforts of my wife the Shechinah dwells, and I revel in this Shecinah. In her honor and all of my family I write the following words. (I am not yet up to my…