Guide to Sukkoth Davening

Attached is a guide for Davening for Eretz Yisrael and Chutz Laretz till next Shabbos Shemini Atzeeres Simchas Torah. There are also some ideas about various parts of Sukkoth. (It is similar to the Yom Kippur booklet, but not as detailed. BE”H next year Sukkoth will be a more complete edition.)I hope to send a…

Yom Kippur – Crying with Aharon and Elisheva

Download The reading of the Torah on Yom Kippur morning serves two primary purposes. The first and more apparent one is to recount the order of the Avoda performed by the Cohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. This reading describes the Cohen’s entry into the Kodesh HaKodashim with Ketores, the selection of the two goats by…

Parshas Nitzavim The 7 למנצח

Download as Word Parshas Nitzavim continues the admonishments of the previous Parshiyos but introduces an important aspect by addressing the question of non-Jews. The pasuk states[1], “And the nations will see the punishments of the land and will ask why Hashem did this!” Why do we involve non-Jews in this narrative, and why is their…

Parshas Ki Tavo- The Everclean Clothes

Download as Word During the momentous forty-year journey through the desert, the extraordinary became the ordinary. Mana descended like a divine gift. A miraculous portable well traversed the barren wilderness alongside them. Resplendent clouds enveloped the entire encampment, casting a heavenly protection upon the nation. Yet, in Parshas Ki Tavo[1] and earlier in Eikev[2], we…