The First Tzedaka Campaign

In this week’s Parsha we find the first Tzedaka campaign ever, the money raised for the Mishkan. But in one way it is the last one of its kind. Since when the goal was actually reached, it says that the managers of the campaign- Betzalel and the חכמי לב – come to Moshe and say…

Shushan Purim In Adar Rishon

Being as that this year is a Jewish leap year, it is correct to clarify the significance of Purim Koton. The Jewish calendar is a basic aspect of Judaism. The first Rashi in Chumash already informs us that the Torah should really have begun from Shemot Perek 12 where the first mitzvah that the Jews…

The Kohen Gadol Clothes of Adam HaRishom

The Ba’al HaTurim teaches us that there is a correlation between the clothes that HaShem gave Adam HaRishon and the eight garments of the Kohen Gadol . What are we meant to learn from this? If we further follow the path of Adam’s clothing we find that it is passed down from generation to generation…

Three Types of Moon

We find in Pirkei Avot and in the Gemarra Megila (15a) a very powerful statement. If you would like to bring the redemption- Geulah, it can be done in a very simple way. Rav Eliezer says in the name of Rav Chanina, “Whoever says a statement in the name of the original speaker, will bring…