Parshas Tzav – Changing into Clean Clothes

Download as Word The Mitzvah of Terumas Hadeshen consisted of two parts[1]. One is each morning to take a small amount of ashes from the Mizbeach and put it next to the Mizbeach. The other is to take the ashes that accumulate from all the korbanos off the Mizbeach and take them outside the city.…

Parsha Vayikra Adam and Our Korbanos

Download as Word The opening of Vayikra, the Parsha of Korbanos, teaches us the basic Halachos that are relevant to all Korbanos. One of these Halachos is derived from the use of the word Adam. The person who can bring Korbanos is only someone who meets the criteria of Adam. There are various definitions of…

Parshas Vayakhel Pikudei- The Longest Laining

Download as Word The Parshiyos of Vayakhel and Pekudei raise two key inquiries. At a fundamental level, the entire description of the procedure of erecting the Mishkan is atypical since the Mishkan is designed to be a temporary structure. The ultimate objective is to arrive at Eretz Yisrael and construct the permanent Bais HaMikdosh. Therefore,…

Download as Word This week is a week of masks. On Purim the custom to wear a mask goes back to at least the time of the Rishonim. And in Parsha Ki Tisa[1] when Moshe descends from Har Sinai with the second Luchos, Ohr emanates from his face. It is so bright that the nation…

Patshas Tezaveh – The Kaparah of the Clothes of the Cohen

Download as Word The Pasuk desribes the clothes of the Cohanim, and specifically Aharon, as being for Honor and Glory. The Gemarra says that these clothes atone just like the Korbanos. The Gemarra then explains what each article of clothing atones for. But how are articles of clothing a Kaparah? The Maharal explains this[1]. He…