Parshas Vayigash – Bilhah and Zilpha the Shefachos

Download as Word The subject of the other two wives of Yakov Bilhah and Zilpha, who begin as shefachos – maidservants, is fascinating. In a machshava sense why are they needed? What do they contribute to the construction of Klal Yisrael in their unusual relationship to their other Imahos and their marriage to Yakov? And…

Parshas Vayishlach – Reuven, Bilhah, and Ashur

Download as Word As Yakov is returning to his father’s home, Rachel goes into labor. The childbirth is difficult, and she passes away. This leaves a vacuum in the house of Yakov. Rachel was the foundation of the home, the akeres habayis. That is where Yakov’s bed was placed. What would happen now? Yakov places…

Parshas Vayetze – Stealing the Terafim of Lavan

Download as Word When Yakov escapes from the house of Lavan, Rachel takes the Terafim of her father[1]. There are many aspects of this incident. Let us examine some of them. Rashi[2] based on the Midrash[3] says that Rachel took them to keep her father from worshipping avoda zara. That means that it was an…