Pesach – Crossing the River

לעילוי נשמת ידידי השקדן ששלושים שנה לא פסק פומיה מגירסא R’ Paul Laster A”H The Hagada is built around a number of themes. The Mishnah says that a key theme is that “We begin with the disparagement and end with the praise.” There are two opinions in the Gemarra as to what this means. Shmuel…

Shabbas HaGadol

This week is Shabbos HaGadol. The name and reason for this week is especially unclear. It seems not to be mentioned in any writings before the Rishonim. On the other hand, they accept it as a given that it is Shabbos HaGadol. In addition, there is a special Haftorah, the last twenty one Pesukim of…

Parshas Tazria – Blinded by an Angel’s Tears

Download as Word Every year on Rosh HaShana as we read the Akeida, I think of Yitzchok on the Mizbeach originally used by Adam, Cain and Hevel, and Noach[1]; consecrated by the history of the world. He is patiently, even eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of his stated desire to be brought as a Korban[2]. The…