Purim 5776 – The Scepter of the KING

The Megilah is replete with dramatic moments each one with its own meaning and lesson. I would like to focus on the moment that Esther enters the inner throne room of the King, and awaits the verdict, will He extend the scepter or not? Will the regular laws apply and she will be executed as…

Parshat Zachor

The incident of Amalek is told twice in the Torah. Once when it actually happens at the end of BeShalach; between Krias Yam Suf and Matan Torah. The second is the command to remember it, at the end of Ki Teze. We read the second portion on Shabbat to fulfill the Mitzvah of Parshat Zachor,…

The Descendants of Haman

We find in Gittin[1] that many of the descendants of famous Reshaim converted and taught Torah. Specifically it mentions the descendants of Haman taught Torah in Bnei Brak. We would like to examine two sides of this issue. One, how could descendants of Amalek become converts and even more so teach Torah. This question has…

VaYakhel – Ohaliav

The chief builder of the Mishkan was Betzalel. He was a scion of Yehudah the Shevet of Malchus and a nephew of Moshe. The person designated to work alongside him is Ohaliav He is almost the direct opposite of Betzalel. He is a member of Shevet Dan. Rashi[1] describes this partnership in unusual terms. Yehudah…