Trei Asar

The Gemarra says that the reason it is one Sefer and not twelve individual ones, is because the individual Sefarim are small and would get “lost”. (5) תלמוד בבלי מסכת בבא בתרא דף יד/ב ת”ר סדרן של נביאים יהושע ושופטים שמואל ומלכים ירמיה ויחזקאל ישעיה ושנים עשר מכדי הושע קדים דכתיב תחלת דבר ה’ בהוש…

VaYishlach – Techum Shabbos

Please daven for my good friend Elchanan Mordechai ben Chana who has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness. And on Wednesday I myself will be undergoing a serious procedure and please have me in mind Zave Chaim ben Chaya Aidel- Bescoh Sha’ar Cholei Yisroel In this week’s Parsha there is a brief interlude between…

VaYetze – The Importance of Sleep

Download as Word At the beginning of this week’s Parsha is the famous event of the dream of Yakov. But as I was learning Rashi I noticed something that maybe is clear to many, but I only noticed for the first time. Yakov is commanded by his parents to go to Charan the ancestral home…

תרי עשר

I would like to start learning this in the hospital. First question- why is this counted as one Sefer? The GEmarra says because they are small and cannot stand on their own. But Eichah for example is shorter? Thoughts?

Toldos- The Names of Yakov and Eisav

Download as Word A major portion of this week’s Parsha is the conflict between Yakov and Eisav. I would like to delve a bit more into their names and what they represent. The name of Yakov is from the word Akeiv, heel. As the Torah writes, Yakov was grasping onto the heel of Eisav as…