The Tefila at the Culmination of Sukkos

Download as Word This Dvar Torah has aspects of Hoshanah Rabbah, Shemni Atzeres, and even Bereishis.It is based on the Sefer רשימות לב of the Torah of Rav Hutner ZT”L The Mishnah teaches us that Sukkos is the time of judgment for the year’s water supply . But the actual Tefila of rain is only…

Lulav on Shabbos

Download as Word There are three Mitzvoth which are not performed when they occur on Shabbos: Shofar, Lulav,  and Megilah. The reason that the Gemarra gives is so that one should not come to carry the object through or into Reshus HaRabim and transgress Shabbos. These are three important Mitzvoth. The most crucial would seem…

Taking the Lulav in the Sukkah

Download as Word There is a Hanhaga of the ARIZ”L to take the Lulav and Esrog in the Sukkah . This is brought in the Mishnah Berurah. In the Shaar HaTzion, he brings two reasons. The first is to not wait till you go to shul and do it in your home as early as…

The Joy of Teshuva

Download as Word Yom Kippur begins with the Tefila of Kol Nidrei, where we annul all of our promises and vows. The  Chazan then continues to lead the Tzibur in the Bracha of Shehecheyanu. Why is this the opening of Yom Kippur? One of the greatest gifts that Hashem gave us is Teshuva. As the…

Kavanos of Shofar

For Rosh HaShanah I have prepared a 2 sided sheet with the main ideas to contemplate during Tekias Shofar. They can be learned beforehand, and/or perused during Tekios. It is best to look at it before. These are the links to download them. The long version is more appropriate to learn beforehand. The short version…

Parshas Nitzavim – And Rosh Hashanah

Download as Word Parshas Nitzavim is always read before Rosh HaShanah. Chazal say[1] that since Nitzavim is the ending of the Klalos that began in Ki Tavo, this is part of the concept that we end the Klalos of the year, before starting the Bracha of the New Year[2]. (This is an entire topic which…