The Two Adars

Download as Word This piece discusses the ideas of calculating the leap years, how we calculate, and some of the Halachic ramifications. Then we move to the Machsava of the meaning of two Adars, and the connection between the Adars and the various Shevatim and the names of Hashem.This year is a leap year where…

Parshas BShalach – Becoming Bnei Yisroel

Download as Word Parshas BShalach is about the journey of Klal Yisroel from Egypt through Yam Suf to Har Sinai. But as the journey out of Mitzrayim begins the Torah describes the Jews with two different names . As the Parsha begins, the word ‘nation’ is used to describe them. Only after that word is…

Parshas Bo – The Makah of Arbeh

Download as Word Parshas Bo begins with a Pasuk that is difficult to explain . HaShem tells Moshe to go to Pharoah. The Pasuk continues that HaShem tells Moshe that He hardened Pharoah’s heart. But the Pasuk does not include anything to tell Pharaoh. Rashi is bothered by this and says even though the Pasuk…