Parshas Kedoshim – The Shifcha Charufah

Download as Word One of the unusual Korbanos is the Asham of the Shifcha Charufah. The source is in Parshas Kedoshim[1]. For those who say the daily Korbanos it is mentioned every day in the Mishnah of Eizahu Mekoman. What is it? A Shifcha is a maidservant and a Shifcha Canaanit is a maidservant from…

Parshas Shemini – The Middle of the Torah

Download as Word The Torah has not one but three midpoints. One is the Pasuk that starts the second half of the Torah, the other is the middle letter. And the third, found in Parshas Shemini, is the middle of the Torah in words. The exact middle is in between two words on either side…

Krias Yam Suf and the Original Dry Land

Download as Word One of the issues in understanding Krias Yam Suf is what did Klal Yisrael do to merit Krias Yam Suf? This question is discussed in the Midrash and the Zohar and among all the mefarshim. Especially since Hashem says to Moshe[1], “Speak to Klal Yisrael and travel into the Yam.” And as…

‘The Unity of the Galus

In the Hagadah we say ויהי שם לגוי מלמד שהיו מצוינים שם Rashi explains that this means we were gathered together as a nation in one unit. Galus is separation. Geulah is a unified nation. The Galus is not over till we are unified. The word Tzion refers to the place from where the world…