Parshas Bahaloscha – The Kal VaChomer

Download as Word At the end of this week’s Parsha, we find the incident where Miriam and Aharon speak about Moshe . They question his separation from his wife . Even though Moshe is a Navi, why did he need to separate from Tziporah? We were Neviim before him in Egypt and remained married and…

Parshas Naso – HaShem Speaking to Moshe

Download as Word The last Pasuk of Parshas Naso describes the method and level of Nevuah that existed between HaShem and Moshe[1]. The Pasuk has certain issues, but more basically seems to be out of place. It is describing how HaShem would speak to Moshe from within the Ohel Moed. But we have just finished…

Parshas Bamidbar and Shavuos The Torah of Dairy

Download as Word Chazal instituted that we should read the Klalos of Bechukosai before Shavuos each year. Since Shavuos it the Rosh HaShana for trees, it is a fulfillment of the Chazal that let the curses of the year be finished before the new year begins. We then read Bamidbar to have an extra separation…

Parshas Behar – Seven Straight Shemitas

Download as Word In this week’s Parsha there is a Rashi that has bothered me for years .The Pasuk writes , “And you shall count seven weeks of years, seven years seven times, and they shall be for you the days of seven weeks of seven years forty-nine years.”The Pasuk is itself difficult. What is…