Parshas Noah The Holy Food of the Teivah

Download as Word The Teivah was built to save the world along with enough inhabitants to restart the world. Every detail was commanded by HKB”H and had great spiritual significance. Therefore, it was built to exact specifications. This was not just to be ship worthy, but to enable the world to be restarted from a…

Halcha and Agadata for Sukkoth 3

Download as Word Places to have כוונה on שמחת תורה (and every day). I am suer there are more [1] ספר תהילים פרק כב – (ז) וְאָנֹכִי תוֹלַעַת וְלֹא אִישׁ חֶרְפַּת אָדָם וּבְזוּי עָם: [2] ספר אסתר פרק ה – (א) וַיְהִי בַּיּוֹם הַשְּׁלִישִׁי וַתִּלְבַּשׁ אֶסְתֵּר מַלְכוּת [3] מגילה דף יד/ב – אסתר דכתיב ויהי…

The Teshuva of HoShanah Rabbah

Download as Word What is the secret of the Din of Hoshanah Rabbah? What is added over and above the Yemei HaDin? What way is there to still change the judgment? In the writings of the Talmidim of Rav Hutner there is a fascinating approach. (This is found in the Reshimos Lev on Sukkoth תשל”ה…

Sukkoth – Owning Your Lulav Owning Your Mitzvah

Download as Word There is something interesting about the Mitzvah of Lulav. there is an emphasis that the person performing the Mitzvah should own the object of the Mitzvah. The Gemarra discusses[1] the extent of the ownership that is needed. But it is clear that there is an emphasis on ownership. This is different than…

Sukkoth in Halacha and Agadata 2

Downlad as Word Avigayil the wife of Naval did the same. She came to Dovid when Dovid desired to kill Naval. If Dovid had done that he would have been unworthy of the Malchus. Here Dovid did not have to be vanquished he realized it on his own. But she accomplished this by submitting to…

Parshas Haazinu -The Hairy gods of Seir/Eisav

Download as Word In this week’s Parsha one of the Aveiros of Klal Yisrael is that they brought Korbanos to other gods. The Pasuk says[1], “They sacrificed to Sheidim which are not gods, gods that that they did not know, that are new and unknown, that their fathers did not fear.” The word for fear…

An Overview of Yom Kippur Davening

Download as Word [1] רמב”ם יד החזקה הלכות תשובה פרק ב – ומצות וידוי יום הכפורים שיתחיל מערב היום קודם שיאכל שמא יחנק בסעודה קודם שיתודה ואע”פ שהתודה קודם שיאכל חוזר ומתודה בלילי יום הכפורים ערבית וחוזר ומתודה בשחרית ובמוסף ובמנחה ובנעילה והיכן מתודה יחיד אחר תפלתו ושליח צבור באמצע תפלתו בברכה רביעית: [2] ספר…